Quick and Easy Ayurvedic Tea Recipe






This year, we celebrate the 4th National Ayurveda Day! What better way to celebrate than sharing a wonderful Ayurvedic tea recipe to implement some new wellness regime this season.

This drink is going to help you boost your metabolism, shave off some of the fat, and also do some cleansing without the difficult stuff like fasting and a lot of rigorous dietary restrictions involved.

Just by switching up your choice of drinks – for example, choosing this balanced Ayurvedic Tea over Starbucks chai lattes made with the syrups – will go a long way to eliminating empty calories, raising your basal metabolic rate and improving your overall health and vitality.

Ayurvedically speaking, the summer is when Pitta, the bio humor known as dosha, composed of fire and water elements, are accumulating and they kind of hit their peak in early fall. So we want to cleanse that excess Pitta during fall.

At the same time, the Vata, the air ether element, is accumulating in our system and there’s dryness setting in into our system.

So one tip I want to recommend for everyone to implement is to start doing regular oil massages.

ayurvedic tea recipe

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

We can spend hundreds of dollars on facial creams and lotions, but none of them do the job that pure organic oil does. Depending on your constitution, you’re going to use different types of oil.

I have a quiz that you can take to find out what our primary doshic type is, and then you’ll know exactly which kind of oil will be best for you.

Click here to take the quiz

  • Vata predominant, which is the season that we’re going to, I highly recommend you use organic sesame oil. Sesame oil is very heavy, lubricant, and warming in nature.
  • Pitta Prakriti, that is fire and water dominant, then you do very well with coconut oil. I recommend the natural fractionated coconut oil. I’ve been using that throughout this whole summer and my skin feels great.
  • Kapha Prakriti, Kapha constitutional type, which is composed of earth and water elements, then you want to use sunflower oil or a mixture of both. Even sometimes mustard oil can work, although some people are allergic to that because it is fiery in nature, so many people do well with lighter safflower or sunflower oil.


A Great Tip – Massage

Just doing a very good head to toe massage before or after a shower. In the West, I like to do it after my shower because I don’t want to mess up my whole bathtub with oil, but if you’re in an environment where you have somebody clean the tub for you, then you know it’s really nice to do the oil massage before you get into that hot shower.

Then your pores open and absorb all that wonderful oil, and that can have the transdermal effect, which will nourish your nerve endings and help you keep your nervous system as well as your skin nourished.


What is Ayurvedic Tea?

We’re going to be making the Ayurvedic CCF tea. What does CCF stand for? It stands for cumin, coriander, and fennel. 

ayurvedic tea recipe

source: cookpad.com from MadAboutCooking

We have three ingredients to pacify the three doshas and this is a very tridoshic balanced formula that is universally good for most people.

It will not have any side effects except good ones, such as enhancing your digestion, moving your lymph, and reducing the spasming in your digestive system. Reducing the cramping and gassiness, it’s wonderful for people with IBS, for women during the menses. Just by sipping as tea in between meals and with meals, it can go a long way to helping your digestion.


Ingredients for Ayurvedic Tea

Let’s take a look at each ingredient for this ayurvedic tea recipe:


  • Cumin is specifically good for Kapha. Cumin is wonderful for kindling that digestive fire. It is hot in potency, so it’s good for Kapha, which is heavy and damp. It’s drawing up and clearing the channels and igniting that inner fire. It’s also good for prevention of things like diarrhea, for people who tend to have loose motion.

I know it’s not so pleasant to talk about, but we’re talking about digestion and it is really important because digestion is the first place where our emotional stress impacts us. So it’s so important to make sure this kind of drink is wonderful to soothe your digestive tract. So cumin is for Kapha.


  • Coriander seeds, which are the seeds of a plant you might know very well as cilantro. Cilantro actually is a very good diuretic, but the seeds are wonderful for also cooling the system. It is very good for the fiery Pitta. Pitta is a combination of fire and water, and when Pitta is high you might have hyperacidity, inflammations. Coriander is wonderful for calming down the inflammations and calming down the acidic feeling in the stomach and the small intestine. It also can bring alkalinization into your whole system.


  • Fennel is the sweetest of the three. Fennel is especially good for a Vata dosha, which is again a combination of air and ether elements. Vata is very important because it governs the entire nervous system. When Vata is out of whack or aggravated, we might feel spaced out, we might feel not very grounded, we might feel the energies all over the place. There’s a sense of irregularity in our whole system. We have an irregular appetite, irregular digestion, and often bloating happens. Fennel is wonderful for countering that bloating and wonderful for symptoms like IBS, irritable bowel syndrome. It also moves the lymph and is a wonderful detox agent.


How to Make Ayurvedic Tea

Now I want to show you how to create this wonderful tea, the Ayurvedic tea that is tridoshic in nature, that’s going to help you rev up your metabolism and keep your channels clear and shed some of the excess pounds.

We’re going to combine all three ingredients and roast them for a little bit, and then we’re going to make a tea out of it.

1. I have three cups of boiled water here, and I’ll just pour it into my pot.

2. I take all of the crushed ingredients of the CCF, cumin, coriander, fennel, and I let the seeds steep.

3. I heat this until the water is evaporated to about half the amount, so three cups becoming one and a half cup. That will actually make a very powerful therapeutic infusion of the herbs.4. Okay, so now

4. I’m going to strain the tea using my tea strainer. It’s kind of a savory flavor and you can flavor it with:

  • Vata and Pitta people, sucanat is recommended if you like a sweetener.
  • Kapha people, honey is always great because it is the most healing of all the sweeteners. You want to make sure it’s drinking temperature before you put the honey in because honey, when it is above the boiling point becomes deranged and it becomes toxic. So make sure you always put honey into drinkable temperature water and never bake with honey. That’s very harmful to the body actually.

This ayurvedic tea has a very savory taste. You can feel the warmth opening up your channels.

I recommend maybe making a batch at the beginning of the week and enjoying your tea throughout the week in between meals and/or during meals. Here’s to your visionary life.

I hope you give ayurvedic tea recipe a try! In the comments below let me know your favorite tea recipe.

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