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How to Launch a Virtual Summit Part 1: Recommendations and Lessons Learned
Subscribe to my YouTube channel here I'm super excited to announce that this is the first of our ongoing series. And we'll be offering everything that Visionary Yoga stands for, yoga, Ayurveda, and living your visionary life. So I'm excited to bring you...

How to Craft Your One-Year Vision
Let's start off by defining what we mean by a “Vision”. In the context of creating an inspiring plan for 2019, a Vision is a written description of what you intend to manifest in your life in the coming year. It seems so simple and obvious, but so few people take...

The Visionary Art of Setting Your Intentions
Have you ever proclaimed your intention clearly to have something in your life and BOOM! Things start happening in the most uncanny way? So there is a lot of truth in the cliche saying, "Clarity is power", is there not? It's as if the Universe was waiting for you to...

5 Ways Ayurveda Can Take Your Yoga To the Next Level
Have you ever felt dissatisfied by the answers Western medicine had to offer for your physical ailments? If you are in search for a system of healing that encompasses all dimensions of your being, and teaches you how to create a harmonious relationship with...

Life in India
“Life is either a daring adventure – or nothing.” - Hellen Keller It has been a wonderful, rich and challenging 5 1/2 years in India. I have been treading on her soil, and breathing her air. Her temples, trees, cows, camels, elephants, and of course, her people have...

What David Bowie Taught Me About Yoga and Life
Today, I’m taking a moment to honor one of the very few idols I’ve cherished since childhood, David Bowie. Hearing about his loss came as such a shock, one that struck a deep personal chord for me. In this month of New Years, resolutions and goal-setting, his...
What’s Your Ayurvedic Type?
Interview with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Top Picks
A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Your Ayurvedic Type
Riding the Waves of Change: A Remedy for the 21st Century
What David Bowie Taught Me About Yoga and Life
Revolve to Evolve! Standing Twists to Propel Your Spiritual Evolution