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Riding the Waves of Change: An Ancient Remedy for the 21st Century
Finding balance in today's hectic world is no easy task. Let's face it: we human beings are a complex species! To live in a state of inner poise amidst the many worlds we straddle as individuals, all of which are constantly undergoing change, requires that we become...
Ahimsa: Looking Deeper into Non-violence
Because we live in a culture that loves to communicate in sound-bites, we tend to think we know the whole meaning of a word just because we’ve heard of it, or because we have images and concepts associated with it. When I set about to write this post on ahimsa, my...
The Yoga of Truth-Telling: Satya
While studying Yoga philosophy, it’s impossible not to come across grand notions, big words heralded by capital letters, such as Time, Space, the Absolute, Liberation, Self-Realization, and perhaps most elusive of all, the Truth. It’s easy to feel a bit helpless, and...
Cultivate A Beginner’s Mind
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." - John Wooden As we become more practiced on the mat, it's easy to feel we know it all – downdog, updog, been there, done that. What else is new? It's so easy to slip into automatic pilot, even on a yoga mat....
What is Yoga? Investigation from the Source
Essay by Mariko Hirakawa, E-RYT, B.A.M.S. Yoga is actually an enormously multi-dimensional, multi-faceted discipline built upon thousands of years of experiential knowledge. We speak of Yoga as if it were a single, homogenous body of knowledge, but Yoga with a capital...
Ardha Matsyendrasana: Seated Spinal Twist
Ardha Matsyendrasana – Seated Spinal Twist Yogis knew that keeping the spine healthy is the key to staying alert and energetic in later years. For the yogis, a healthy spine was not only desirable, it was a most valuable instrument on their journey to enlightenment....
What’s Your Ayurvedic Type?
Interview with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Top Picks
A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Your Ayurvedic Type
Riding the Waves of Change: A Remedy for the 21st Century
What David Bowie Taught Me About Yoga and Life
Revolve to Evolve! Standing Twists to Propel Your Spiritual Evolution