by Mariko Hirakawa | Jan 4, 2019 | Personal Development, Visionary Guide to Planning Your Best Year Ever
Today, we are going to hit the pause button as you continue to craft your One-Year Vision from the last blog post of this series, and take a moment to put the things that truly matter to you at the front and center of your life. So let’s take a look at your...
by Mariko Hirakawa | Dec 24, 2018 | Personal Development, Understand the Yogic Mindset, Visionary Guide to Planning Your Best Year Ever
Let’s start off by defining what we mean by a “Vision”. In the context of creating an inspiring plan for 2019, a Vision is a written description of what you intend to manifest in your life in the coming year. It seems so simple and obvious, but so few people...
by Mariko Hirakawa | Dec 23, 2018 | Personal Development, Understand the Yogic Mindset, Visionary Guide to Planning Your Best Year Ever
Have you ever proclaimed your intention clearly to have something in your life and BOOM! Things start happening in the most uncanny way? So there is a lot of truth in the cliche saying, “Clarity is power”, is there not? It’s as if the Universe was...
by Mariko Hirakawa | Dec 19, 2018 | Personal Development, Visionary Guide to Planning Your Best Year Ever
We’ve all seen the depressing statistics on how long people are able stick to their New Year’s Resolutions. Absolutely abysmal! It’s enough to turn anyone away from the practice setting goals, ever. There’s such an emotional jadedness to New...
by Mariko Hirakawa | Dec 18, 2018 | Personal Development, Visionary Guide to Planning Your Best Year Ever
When people talk about planning, do you tend to have the thought, “Why create a plan, it’s only going to change”? Or do you have this thought, which is the real resistance? “If I create a plan and it doesn’t happen then I will have failed.” If...