by Mariko Hirakawa | Jan 23, 2018 | Home Featured Blogs, Understand Ayurveda
Have you ever felt dissatisfied by the answers Western medicine had to offer for your physical ailments? If you are in search for a system of healing that encompasses all dimensions of your being, and teaches you how to create a harmonious relationship with...
by Mariko Hirakawa | Sep 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
“Life is either a daring adventure – or nothing.” – Hellen Keller It has been a wonderful, rich and challenging 5 1/2 years in India. I have been treading on her soil, and breathing her air. Her temples, trees, cows, camels, elephants, and of course, her people...
by Mariko Hirakawa | Jan 14, 2016 | Home Featured Blogs, Understand Ayurveda
Today, I’m taking a moment to honor one of the very few idols I’ve cherished since childhood, David Bowie. Hearing about his loss came as such a shock, one that struck a deep personal chord for me. In this month of New Years, resolutions and goal-setting, his...
by Mariko Hirakawa | Apr 1, 2015 | Home Featured Blogs, Inspiration to Meditate
Finding balance in today’s hectic world is no easy task. Let’s face it: we human beings are a complex species! To live in a state of inner poise amidst the many worlds we straddle as individuals, all of which are constantly undergoing change, requires that...
by Mariko Hirakawa | Mar 25, 2015 | Understand the Yogic Mindset
Because we live in a culture that loves to communicate in sound-bites, we tend to think we know the whole meaning of a word just because we’ve heard of it, or because we have images and concepts associated with it. When I set about to write this post on ahimsa, my...